
My Call Of Duty…..duty

I was up to about 3 this morning playing Call of Duty: World of War online with my brother and cousin.   Very fun!!  They are much better than I am, but they are die-hard FPS players.  The game does get frustrating at times when you keep getting killed from grenades and you can’t tell where they are coming from 🙁  The weapons on this game is from the World War era.  The weapons on COD4 are way better…but it is called Modern Warfare for a reason.  Still, the game play on World of War is solid.

On another note…I got my brother Prince of Persia for Christmas.  He says it’s a great game.  I hope he lets me borrow it when he is done.

Trying to get in as much gaming as I can during my time off.   See ya on XBL.

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